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The deliverable was submitted by ABUD with contributions from Eurac Research, PI, TUM, TUC in June 2023.

We are extremely proud of our senior experts, Rebeka Dóra Balázs and Viktor Bukovszki for leading and submitting the deliverable with the contribution of Eurac Research, Prospex Institute, Technical University of Munich and Technical University of Crete.

Deliverable 1.4 Gender Guidelines of JUSTNatureProject aims to contribute to reducing the inequalities that women face.

The document provides practical recommendations for reducing gender inequalities in different tasks within JUSTNature Project, including gender-sensitive stakeholder mapping, participatory process management, and digital gender empowerment. Furthermore, it also includes training material for presenting gender sensitive urban design solutions on workshops.

Gender empowerment is a key aspect to consider in the just development of Low Carbon | High Air Quality Nature-based Solutions (NbS).

In most societies women are more disadvantaged than men, having less access to resources, decision-making and power (Lorber, 2010).

Moreover, as a result of the lower income and perceived lower social status of women, they tend to bear inequitable environmental burdens and have less control over environmental decisions as opposed to men, which both have an impact on their health (Bell, 2016).

Congratulations to the whole Team!

Read more and download the document here>

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